Component Creator Development Roadmap
Thanks to all the users who voted in our poll we have been able to better make prioritizations, and have arrived at the following development roadmap.
Featured User: Carlos Camara (aka carcam)
Every month, we sit down and talk to one of our users and feature their story on our blog. This month we talked with Carlos Camara, Co-founder and developer at Hepta Technologies based in Almeria, Spain.
Vote for your favorite feature requests here!
One of the most popular sections of our support forum is "Feature Requests", with around sixty different threads and dozens of requests asking for new features. As it's so popular, we created a poll that we would like you to vote on, so that we can begin working on the most popular requests.
5 Uses for Component Creator You Haven’t Thought About
You probably already know most of the unique features in Component Creator, but here are five different ways to use it you might not have thought about.
More than 17 years of time saved so far - What we could have done instead
The whole point of Component Creator is to take the tedious work out of Joomla development, giving you more time to spend doing other things. And it certainly seems to be working. We’ve calculated that to date Component Creator has saved a total of 17 years of our users time!
How did we calculate this?
Submit Your Idea for Google Summer of Code 2015
Believe it or not, Summer is on it’s way, and with it comes Google’s summer of code 2015. It’s the 11th year of Google’s project, designed to help student developers learn about and contribute to open source code.
As in many previous years Joomla is participating and our CEO Soren will be a mentor for the program again this year.
Upgrade your Joomla 2.5 Component to Joomla 3 Using the SQL Import
Because Joomla is no longer providing support for Joomla 2.5, it recommends that you upgrade your old 2.5 components to 3.0. This is easy to do using our Component Creator SQL Import tool. It can save you around 80% of the work of upgrading manually. And to make things even easier we have a walkthrough video tutorial you can watch.
List of Joomla Contributors (Joomlers) On Twitter
A “Joomler” is a person who actively contributes to make Joomla awesome. It is not only developers but designers, translators, organizers, advisors and volunteers etc.
Featured user: Randy Carey
Starting today, every month, we sit down and talk to one of our users and feature their story on our blog. This month we talked with Randy Carey, web architect and owner of Careytech Studios LLC.