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Batch-button in admin list for list-field

8 Jahre 7 Monate her - 8 Jahre 7 Monate her #1384 von Markus
Batch-button in admin list for list-field wurde erstellt von Markus
It would be very handy to add a individual batch process-form in admin list, (like in com_content):

-providing in the JCC interface for a list-field the option: "Add to batch processing"

So in the built component:
-there is a button created named "Batch" in admin listview
-after ticking several items and clicking on "Batch"
-a modal window opens and the formerly added list-fields showing up for batch processing the ticked items.

I would appreciate such a function a lot because I need it for my component ;-).
As I'm just a hobby programmer this kind of thing is really challenging to me and takes a lot of time.
Letzte Änderung: 8 Jahre 7 Monate her von Markus. Grund: typo

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8 Jahre 6 Monate her #1424 von Webster-Studio Sp. z o.o.
Webster-Studio Sp. z o.o. antwortete auf Batch-button in admin list for list-field
Markus, you have absolutely right ! That mod will be very nice. Just to move elements to new category, etc using batch.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Andres Maeso, davidvicky

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