URL text field gets stripped above 255 chars

9 Jahre 9 Monate her #838 von Geir

I noticed the Component Creators text field with URL formatting stripped down my URL when it exceeded 255 characters. I found the fields data type in the database was varchar(255). This is way too short since some of my clients URL strings uses  long query strings.

I did some research and found that IE seems to be the browser with the shortest URL allowed, at 2083 characters, and that is still way higher than that of Component Creators components.
I know MySQL has supported varchars above 255 since 5.0.3, which has been below Joomla!s minimum requirements since Joomla! 1.6 (MySQL 5.0.4), which happens to be the lowest Joomla! Component Creator support.

Unless I am missing something, couldn't the data type simply be set to varchar(2083) in the SQL install file?
If I'm right, the fix wouldn't affect users in any other way, so it could and should be fixed quickly.
In case you don't implement it immediately, please update the help string to contain a warning about the default behavior.

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