Créez des composants personnalisés pour Joomla 3, 4 et 5 !
Générer un composant Joomla personnalisé entièrement fonctionnel, prêt à être installé et sans perdre de temps.
Inscription gratuitecomposants créés par
membres... et plus à venir !
Totalement gratuit pour les composants avec une seule table. Tables illimitées et une assistance technique dès 19 €/ mois.
De l’idée au fichier zip en quelques minutes
Simulez une idée et téléchargez un composant zippé en quelques minutes. Idéal comme base pour le développement ultérieur ou une démo rapide pour un client.
Backend et Frontend
Rapidement faire une interface CRUD [?] dans et l'administration et le front end. S’intègre avec ACL [?]
Facile à utiliser
Intuitif et rapide, interface intuitive conçue à la fois pour les novices et les développeurs expérimentés.
Superbe code MVC
Génère un code MVC Joomla parfaitement formaté selon les standards Joomla. Toujours à jour. Pas de gâchis. Aucun superflu.
Plus de 40 types de champs
Sélectionnez parmi plus de 40 types de champs différents. Définissez les champs qui sont inclus dans les formulaires, les listes, la recherche et les filtres.
Gagner du temps
Gagner plusieurs heures de développement fastidieux et répétitif par composant. Pourrait vous faire économiser des semaines pour les projets complexes.
Apprenez auprès des meilleurs
Découvrez comment développer des composants Joomla en regardant notre code généré, et économisez des heures de frustration.
Ce que disent nos utilisateurs

I am satisfied with the "Component Creator" service. Not only has it allowed me to be more productive, it has also helped me to better understand the Joomla platform. This has made it easier for me to make adjustments to the base component that "Component Creator" generates.
I have developed projects thanks to "Component Creator". Without it, the projects I would have developed would have been of low quality and unreliable.
I am a member of a Freelance platform and with the help of "Component Creator" I have positioned myself among the best 5,000 of approximately 900,000 professionals.
Platinoweb Chile

I had been struggling around to get my plugin working... Then I found the Component Creator! And it was REALLY a matter of a few minutes to get everything I needed and the plugin up and running. Really amazing!
Marcio Andrada IT Consulting

As one of South Africa's largest dedicated Joomla development agencies, we rely heavily on Component Creator to rapidly create the scaffolding we need to go on to make award-winning solutions.
Yonder Media

In my daily work with Joomla I prefer tools which allows me to reach my goals in a fast and uncomplicated way. Component Creator is part of my workflow and is here to stay.
Composants personnalisés développés par nos soins
Besoin d’une solution plus complexe ? Pourquoi ne pas demander à des experts ? L’équipe derrière Component Creator propose désormais le développement de composants personnalisés et de sites Web à des tarifs compétitifs.
02 Jan 2024
Today we will share another story on our blog. This week we had the chance to chat with Jelle Botman. Working as PHP Developer working for the company Dstny BV, located in Multiple countries (Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, France, Denmark). The head office is in Zaventem Belgium, cloud services like Cloud Communication, Cloud Infrastructure, Cloud Security, Fixed and mobile internet, fixed and mobile telephony, and Private networks. They started using the Component Creator about 10 years back and since then, they have developed about 75 components. With the help of component creator, they saved a lot of time in building websites
13 Jul 2023
Today we will share another story on our blog. This week we had the chance to chat with Ryan C. Minnig. One of the founders of the company 3C Telemetry, LLC, located in Colorado, United States, that mostly offers different services of IT. They started using the Component Creator about two and half a year and since then, they have developed about 6 components. Component Creator has helped them to ease of use and the ability to very quickly prototype an idea and packaging and installer framework.
11 Jan 2022
FEATURED USER: Cloudhoreca
Today we will share another story on our blog. This week we had the chance to chat with Cloudhoreca, a company located in Budapest, Hungary, that mostly offers different services of IT. They started using the Component Creator about a year and a half ago and since then, they have developed about 7 components. By using Component Creator it has helped them to save a lot of time and make the projects easier and more understandable for the clients.