component not working in 3.4.3
New Member
Posts: 1
9 år 6 måneder dager siden #986
av David
component not working in 3.4.3 opprettet av David
Hi the comopnent i just build is not working in 3.4.3 of joomla is it not comptable with that version yet as just need to no as client always download lattest when using new components?
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David Villena
Posts: 6
9 år 6 måneder dager siden #988
av David Villena
Besvart av David Villena i emne component not working in 3.4.3
Hi David,
Please use our contact form to report bugs and problems:
The components generated by Component Creator are fully compatible with J! 3.4.3, so please give us in your message as much details as you can of the error you get.
Please use our contact form to report bugs and problems:
The components generated by Component Creator are fully compatible with J! 3.4.3, so please give us in your message as much details as you can of the error you get.
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