Bygg tilpassede komponenter for Joomla 3, 4 og 5!
Lag en fullt funksjonell, klar til å installere, egendefinerte Joomla! komponent på et blunk.
Gratis registreringkomponenter laget av
medlemmer... og teller!
Helt gratis å bruke for enkelt tabell komponenter. Ubegrenset tabeller og teknisk støtte fra €19 per måned.
Fra idé til zip-fil i minutter
Kom opp med en idé og last ned en zippet komponent på få minutter. Flott utgangspunkt for videre utvikling eller en rask demonstrasjon for en klient.
Både admin og front end
Raskt å lage en full CRUD [?] grensesnitt i både admin og front end grensesnitt. Integreres med ACL [?]
Enkel å bruke
Intuitivt og raskt, pek og klikk grensesnitt tilrettelagt for både nybegynnere og avanserte utviklere.
Flott MVC kode
Generere godt formatert Joomla MVC kode etter Joomla standarden. Alltid oppdatert. Ikke noe tull og tøys.
Mer enn 40 felttyper
Velg fra mer enn 40 forskjellige felttyper. Angi hvilke felt som er inkludert i skjemaer, lister, søk og filtre.
Lagre tid
Lagre flere timer med kjedelig og repeterende utviklingstid per komponent. Komplekse prosjekter kan spare deg uker.
Lær fra de beste
Lær å utvikle Joomla komponenter ved å se på våre genererte koder og spar timer med frustrasjon.
Hva andre brukere sier
In my daily work with Joomla I prefer tools which allows me to reach my goals in a fast and uncomplicated way. Component Creator is part of my workflow and is here to stay.
Component Creator has saved me hundreds of hours staring at empty files and not knowing where to start and has given me the confidence to build my own components for the first time. I can now create the component the client wants without making compromises.
Joomla Training UK
My company has used Component Creator for 3+ years now, and we have saved countless development hours this way. Component Creator has become a standard tool in our toolbox, and I anticipate it staying that way for years to come !
Absolutely incredible tool that every Joomla developer must have!
Egendefinerte komponenter utviklet av oss
Trenger du en mer kompleks løsning? Hvorfor ikke få det fra ekspertene?
Teamet bak Component Creator tilbyr nå egendefinerte komponenter og utvikling til konkurransedyktige priser.
02 Jan 2024
Today we will share another story on our blog. This week we had the chance to chat with Jelle Botman. Working as PHP Developer working for the company Dstny BV, located in Multiple countries (Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, France, Denmark). The head office is in Zaventem Belgium, cloud services like Cloud Communication, Cloud Infrastructure, Cloud Security, Fixed and mobile internet, fixed and mobile telephony, and Private networks. They started using the Component Creator about 10 years back and since then, they have developed about 75 components. With the help of component creator, they saved a lot of time in building websites
13 Jul 2023
Today we will share another story on our blog. This week we had the chance to chat with Ryan C. Minnig. One of the founders of the company 3C Telemetry, LLC, located in Colorado, United States, that mostly offers different services of IT. They started using the Component Creator about two and half a year and since then, they have developed about 6 components. Component Creator has helped them to ease of use and the ability to very quickly prototype an idea and packaging and installer framework.
11 Jan 2022
FEATURED USER: Cloudhoreca
Today we will share another story on our blog. This week we had the chance to chat with Cloudhoreca, a company located in Budapest, Hungary, that mostly offers different services of IT. They started using the Component Creator about a year and a half ago and since then, they have developed about 7 components. By using Component Creator it has helped them to save a lot of time and make the projects easier and more understandable for the clients.