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Administation Panel - Filter Option & Edit Entry

8 年 7 个月 前 #1327 Xze Rod
Hi everybody,

long time ago, i used this fantastic site to create a component on my own and it works fine.

Now i want to update my component because i got some notice and ideas for better working with. Every change i made works just fine and i use the new component on my homepage but there are two things, i really don't know how i set them on last time.

1. Filter Options in my Administration Panel.
On my old component, i get on the left site some options to filter the datatable with special entries in columns. I don't know, where to set (maybe just one click?) this option because in my actual component, this filteroptions aren't shown.

2. Edit List - Entry by Clicking on the 1. Column Link
In my old Component, my first column (the ID) was linked so when i clicked on it, i got the Update-Screen. Now, i have to check a box, scroll up and click on edit. Same problem here i don't know, what i missed in my settings.

could you please help me?

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8 年 7 个月 前 #1343 Xze Rod
I don't know, which Settings i have to activate in component-creator to get this solutions, but got both problems work for me:

1. Filter Options in Administrator Panel
		// Set sidebar action - New in 3.0
		$this->filterForm = $this->get('FilterForm');
		$this->activeFilters = $this->get('ActiveFilters');
	//Filter for the field 'column2'
		$select_label = JText::sprintf('COM_JOOGAMES_COLUMN2', 'Column2');
		$options = array();
		$options[0] = new stdClass();
		$options[0]->value = "1";
		$options[0]->text = "Case A";
		$options[1] = new stdClass();
		$options[1]->value = "2";
		$options[1]->text = "Case B";
			JHtml::_('select.options', $options , "value", "text", $this->state->get('filter.column2'), true)
		$this->extra_sidebar = '';

2. Edit List - ENtry by Clicking on the 1. Column Link

Change the first <td> element:
	<?php echo $item->id; ?>
	<a href="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_yourcomponent&task=yourview.edit&id='.(int) $item->id); ?>">
	<?php echo $this->escape($item->id); ?></a>

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