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1 år 4 måneder siden #10253 af Prosper Ottou
Maria DB ERROR blev oprettet af Prosper Ottou
since three week ago, I'm trying to create a component for Joomla 4. But I have This Error. Can you please help me?

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'ASC LIMIT 20' at line 4

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1 år 4 måneder siden #10254 af Super User
Besvaret af Super User på emne Maria DB ERROR
Yes, Prosper Ottou we are here to help you.
Can you raise the ticket with the help of the Contact Us form(here is the link for the same component-creator.com/en/help/contact) by selecting the technical support option and filling in the details so that we can help you as early?

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10 måneder 1 uge siden - 10 måneder 1 uge siden #10285 af Shauna Brown
Besvaret af Shauna Brown på emne Maria DB ERROR
The error suggests there’s a problem with the SQL query syntax near ‘ASC LIMIT 20’. Ensure you have an ORDER BY clause before ASC, and check for any missing or misplaced commas or parentheses. If the issue persists, consult the MariaDB documentation for the correct syntax. Dog blog
Sidste redigering: 10 måneder 1 uge siden ved Shauna Brown.

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