Multiple lists

5 år 2 måneder siden #7111 af Santiago Marquez Gamboa
Multiple lists blev oprettet af Santiago Marquez Gamboa
how could I make multiple lists
in: state, city


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5 år 1 måned siden #9654 af Carl Fuentes
Besvaret af Carl Fuentes på emne Multiple lists
Can you be more specific?

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5 år 1 måned siden #9655 af Santiago Marquez Gamboa
Besvaret af Santiago Marquez Gamboa på emne Multiple lists
I would like a list to load another list, that is, when you select the state from a list, load the cities into another list.
it's possible?
Excuse for my english!!

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5 år 1 måned siden - 5 år 1 måned siden #9656 af Carl Fuentes
Besvaret af Carl Fuentes på emne Multiple lists
Component Creator does not support this function at the moment
Sidste redigering: 5 år 1 måned siden ved Søren Beck Jensen. Begrundelse: Clarity

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5 år 1 måned siden #9657 af Søren Beck Jensen
Besvaret af Søren Beck Jensen på emne Multiple lists
This would be possible using the SQL field in Joomla but it currently has a bug.

You can read about the bug here:

I doubt this will get fixed in the near future. If you submit this as a feature request we will consider implementing it.

Søren Beck Jensen

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5 år 1 måned siden #9667 af Santiago Marquez Gamboa
Besvaret af Santiago Marquez Gamboa på emne Multiple lists
how can i make the request


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