A few issues found while testing

7 år 4 måneder siden #1653 af Ruben Reyes
A few issues found while testing blev oprettet af Ruben Reyes
I have not used this service in a long time and I am very impressed with its evolution.
Here is some feedback for your consideration:

"state" field does not apply the CSS class configured in table (only "inputbox")

Tried to create "publish_up" field with a Calendar field and DATETIME field but they are missing the "magic" to set the value to NOW() when first created

Created a language field but it doesn't show an option for "All"

Create a simple dropdown list field. On backend form and backend list the Keys and Values are swapped.

On a Subform created an Editor field. The value for "desired" editor is not saved (I am trying to set it to "codemirror")

The order of fields in Subform is not respected when rendering the form on backend.

Thank you!

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7 år 4 måneder siden #1654 af Jamila
Besvaret af Jamila på emne A few issues found while testing
Hi Ruben,

thank you for your feedback! A few months ago we started using Github to keep track of feature requests and the issues found on Component Creator. Could you please add the issues you found on our GitHub page ?

Many thanks in advance,

Jamila Cisse

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