Pagination list start not resetting

2 år 6 måneder siden #9988 af Nina
Pagination list start not resetting blev oprettet af Nina
If I view page three of search results and then do a filter search the list start is still on page three. And when I clear search and filters it's till on page three, I'd like it to go to first page (list.start = 0) on clear/when I do a new search and also when I load the page via the menu.

Any ideas on how to do that and where?

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2 år 6 måneder siden #9989 af Nina
Besvaret af Nina på emne Pagination list start not resetting
I just got the reset button to clear to first page by adding: onclick="document.adminForm.limitstart.value='0'

So now my only problem is when I load the page via the menu I'd like the list to start from page one. IE if there are no parameters in the url go to default list.start 0.

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1 måned 2 dage siden #10331 af Andres
Besvaret af Andres på emne Pagination list start not resetting
I am so thankful for what you did.

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