Home user..

10 Jahre 4 Monate her - 10 Jahre 4 Monate her #430 von Frank Jumppanen Andersen
Home user.. wurde erstellt von Frank Jumppanen Andersen
Hello there!

Almost since the start of internet, being an IT professional (currently IT manger in mdium sized medico Company) I've been trying to make the internet of real use to our familiy - starting out with simple homepage - adding calendars / task lists / practical info and so on. Initially building pages manually - then using AppGini (and learning a litle bit of php and sql) - and then swapping to joomla on 1.0.x version at some time years ago - integrating some of our 'old' features.

Since going to joomla I have tried several times to find those litle very usable components which would make our lives (and homepage) so much easier and of real practical use. I have a host of small features just waiting to get on-line'd - only being a non professional / limited time / home fidler - joomla is just not THAT easy.
..actually I have purchased a few components - and tested lot's more - only to find they are just to complicated (and huge) for our rather simple and limited needs... Or the other way - the offered features are just TO scetchy to be of real value.

FINALLY  - I got to test JCC - and it promises to be everything I've longed for for MANY years:
* simple to define database (I'm quite good at that part!)
* fully Integrated joomla security
* fully functional frontend 'code' - ready to go - both form and list
* search and filtering

SO - I've started out with trying to convert on of the Familys all-time favorite application - the movie Collection list.. Now, children grown and moved out, this is still heavily used to register and share or Collections of Dvd's and BluRay's.
...and after a few tries it is ALMOST there... A few bug's discovered in new filtering and search funtions... but otherwise just spot on!!

Next in line: our meterreadings database...

I hope I can be of help with testing, testing and testing - and occasional suggestions for improvements in features and userfriendlines..
Letzte Änderung: 10 Jahre 4 Monate her von Frank Jumppanen Andersen.
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10 Jahre 4 Monate her #443 von Søren Beck Jensen
Søren Beck Jensen antwortete auf Home user..
Hejsa Frank.

Godt at se at vores software også er populært i Danmark :-)

Søren Beck Jensen
Founder, Component-Creator.com

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