unable to download component

pred 9 rokmi 7 mesiacmi #916 od kanhaiya
unable to download component bolo vytvorené kanhaiya
hi i have created  a component , but somehow i am unable to  download  the component .I have tried it on google chrome and mozilla firefox browser

Prosím Prihlásiť alebo Registrácia pre zdieľanie konverzácie.

pred 9 rokmi 7 mesiacmi #917 od David Villena
Odpoveď od David Villena na tému unable to download component

Please report the bug using our contact form, so it can be handled by our ticket system: www.component-creator.com/en/help/contact

Please give as much info as possible: name of the component, any JS error you could have...

Prosím Prihlásiť alebo Registrácia pre zdieľanie konverzácie.

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