unable to download component
New Member
Posts: 1
9 år 7 månader sedan #916
av kanhaiya
unable to download component skapades av kanhaiya
hi i have created a component , but somehow i am unable to download the component .I have tried it on google chrome and mozilla firefox browser
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David Villena
Posts: 6
9 år 7 månader sedan #917
av David Villena
Svar från David Villena i ämnet unable to download component
Please report the bug using our contact form, so it can be handled by our ticket system: www.component-creator.com/en/help/contact
Please give as much info as possible: name of the component, any JS error you could have...
Please report the bug using our contact form, so it can be handled by our ticket system: www.component-creator.com/en/help/contact
Please give as much info as possible: name of the component, any JS error you could have...
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