Redirect after form submit
New Member
Posts: 8
9 år 3 veckor sedan #1221
av Mekalb
Redirect after form submit skapades av Mekalb
Can anyone tell me where I can find the redirect code after submitting a form (for 3.x components)?
Previously I just edited the save function of the relevant controller, but the new component layout only has a constructor function.
Can anyone tell me where I can find the redirect code after submitting a form (for 3.x components)?
Previously I just edited the save function of the relevant controller, but the new component layout only has a constructor function.
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Joshua Hebbel
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Posts: 2
8 år 8 månader sedan #1383
av Joshua Hebbel
Don't do it, I was a premium user once, their premium support is just as nonexistent as their free support.
Take a look at the save function in the controller.
Svar från Joshua Hebbel i ämnet Redirect after form submit
Please note that as a premium user you've the priviledge to access our premium support using the contact form
Don't do it, I was a premium user once, their premium support is just as nonexistent as their free support.
Take a look at the save function in the controller.
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Joshua Hebbel
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Posts: 2
8 år 7 månader sedan #1386
av Joshua Hebbel
Free support being your support here in the forums. And as I said, I had a paid account at one point, but never got any responses from you guys even then... My premium email was Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den. and my account expired on 2015-06-19, after which I did not renew due to non-responsiveness and bugs.
Svar från Joshua Hebbel i ämnet Redirect after form submit
Hi Joshua
We don't offer "free support" anywhere in our website. We only offer a free version of Component Creator to show how helpful can be and provide with a head start to any Joomla developer that wants to develop a component.
As for our premium support I wouldn't describe it as "nonexistent", I can guarantee we answer support e-mails in a daily basis (except weekends) and that we have a lot of happy users.
I can't find any ticket from your e-mail address so there is a chance your e-mails didn't get to us. What was your issue about?
Free support being your support here in the forums. And as I said, I had a paid account at one point, but never got any responses from you guys even then... My premium email was Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den. and my account expired on 2015-06-19, after which I did not renew due to non-responsiveness and bugs.
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New Member
Posts: 8
8 år 7 månader sedan #1398
av Mekalb
Svar från Mekalb i ämnet Redirect after form submit
I should've replied to this earlier, but I wanted to say the support here has been good for me, especially this year.
I have been a premium subscriber for 2 years now, and it has saved me heaps of time.
I should've replied to this earlier, but I wanted to say the support here has been good for me, especially this year.
I have been a premium subscriber for 2 years now, and it has saved me heaps of time.
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RIP Graphics
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Posts: 16
8 år 6 månader sedan #1416
av RIP Graphics
Svar från RIP Graphics i ämnet Redirect after form submit
I think it's time to move away from this support system of sending email that can't be tracked. In the past I have sent in more than one email that was never answered as a paid subscriber. One of the main reason I didn't renew my annual subscription was this problem of getting support from this email system that does not work. Once we send that email we never know if you reached you or not and we have no way to reach you that to send the email again and again. Hey it's just a suggestion to try and make this great Component Creator better for us all.
Thank you for the great work you are doing with Component Creator.
Thank you for the great work you are doing with Component Creator.
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