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Making component use a different template than the default template
New Member
Posts: 1
9 månader 5 dagar sedan #10288
av zvjil@hotmail.com
Making component use a different template than the default template skapades av zvjil@hotmail.com
When I install my component on Joomla and create menu items for it then try to assign a different template to the pages that the component views are assigned to it doesn't change. It is still showing the default template. Can anyone tell me how to fix this, please?
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Matt Jackson
New Member
Posts: 2
7 månader 1 vecka sedan #10305
av Matt Jackson
Svar från Matt Jackson i ämnet Making component use a different template than the default template
I have not had this problem. I would suggest turning off SEF URLs however to make sure that the menu item links that you are clicking contain the ItemId in the URL. If not, then it will use the default template.
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