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Read only field showing Total from other fields from a single table
New Member
Posts: 1
2 månader 1 vecka sedan #10325
av Thomas
Read only field showing Total from other fields from a single table skapades av Thomas
Have a form which has multiple numeric fields and I would like to display the Total/Sum from all the fields as a read only value in the form.
Is this possible? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated
Is this possible? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated
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Super User
Posts: 14
2 månader 5 dagar sedan #10326
av Super User
Svar från Super User i ämnet Read only field showing Total from other fields from a single table
Thank you for reaching out! At this time, our component builder does not include functionality to automatically calculate and display the total or sum of numeric fields within a form.
However, you can achieve this by integrating custom JavaScript into your project after exporting the component. This will allow you to handle dynamic calculations and update a read-only field.
We always look for ways to improve our platform, so your feedback is valuable! If this is a feature you'd like to see, feel free to submit a feature request at [our GitHub issues page](github.com/aDaneInSpain/component-creator-issues/issues).
However, you can achieve this by integrating custom JavaScript into your project after exporting the component. This will allow you to handle dynamic calculations and update a read-only field.
We always look for ways to improve our platform, so your feedback is valuable! If this is a feature you'd like to see, feel free to submit a feature request at [our GitHub issues page](github.com/aDaneInSpain/component-creator-issues/issues).
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